Friday, September 7, 2012

PDI Pseudo-step: Google Docs Fusion Table Input

As far as I can tell, the current Google Docs plugin for PDI works on Spreadsheets and perhaps other Google Docs data sources, but not Fusion Tables (which at the time of this writing are currently in beta).  I whipped up a quick User-Defined Java Class (UDJC) step, the code is on Gist here.

A couple of notes:

  1. The output fields (that I'm grabbing from the Fusion Table) are hardcoded in there right now
  2. I didn't use the OAuth method of access, the username and password (along with table id) should be passed as input fields to the UDJC step.
  3. The table id is available in the URL when you open the table in Google Docs.
  4. You need the Google Docs plugin installed in PDI for this step to work.
  5. Someday I'd like to integrate this with the real PDI Google Docs plugin :)

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