Friday, September 14, 2012

UDJC as Input step

Most times I see examples (including my own) of the User Defined Java Class (UDJC) PDI step, I see a Generate Rows step in front of it, to act as a "trigger" to get things moving, as UDJC is a Scripting step, not a proper Input step.  However, this is not a forced characteristic, meaning you can write a UDJC step that acts as an Input generator step!

The key to doing this is to not read in any rows using getRow(), and thus not to check for a null row.  You can assume that processRow will be called once, and you ensure it will ONLY be called once by calling setOutputDone() at the end of processRow(), followed by returning false.  The "Input Generator" version of the UDJC step I wrote to get all PDI Step Plugins (from my previous post) is on Gist here.  Here's a screenshot of an example using the Input version to filter on Input plugins:

Look ma, no Generate Rows! :)

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